Monday, January 17, 2011

Dissolve Away those Pesky Bones with Corn Oil

I just read an interesting paper from Gabriel Fernandes's group at the University of Texas. It's titled "High fat diet-induced animal model of age-associated obesity and osteoporosis". I was expecting this to be the usual "we fed mice industrial lard for 60% of calories and they got sick" paper, but I was pleasantly surprised. From the introduction:
CO [corn oil] is known to promote bone loss, obesity, impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and thus represents a useful model for studying the early stages in the development of obesity, hyperglycemia, Type 2 diabetes [23] and osteoporosis. We have used omega-6 fatty acids enriched diet as a fat source which is commonly observed in today's Western diets basically responsible for the pathogenesis of many diseases [24].
Just 10% of the diet as corn oil (roughly 20% of calories), with no added omega-3, on top of an otherwise poor laboratory diet, caused:
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • The replacement of bone marrow with fat cells
  • Diabetes
  • Insulin resistance
  • Generalized inflammation
  • Elevated liver weight (possibly indicating fatty liver)
Hmm, some of these sound familiar... We can add them to the findings that omega-6 also promotes various types of cancer in rodents (1).

20% fat is less than the amount it typically takes to make a rodent this sick. This leads me to conclude that corn oil is particularly good at causing mouse versions of some of the most common facets of the "diseases of civilization". It's exceptionally high in omega-6 (linoleic acid) with virtually no omega-3.

Make sure to eat your heart-healthy corn oil! It's made in the USA, dirt cheap and it even lowers cholesterol!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

nvesting – The Best Way to Save Money Long Term

Are you thinking of your financial future already? If you are looking for the best way to save money long term, you are on the right track.

Yes, saving a part of your monthly or quarterly earning is a great idea. But did you know that you can make your money earn more money for you? Investing is the best strategy to get the maximum return out of your savings. Picture this: if you put your money in a bank savings account, it will grow only by up to 2 percent. On the other hand, if you put your funds in stocks or mutual fund, you get at least 10 percent of annual returns. See the difference?
Saving is more of a short-term activity, while investing is fit for long-term financial goals. Investing works by making your money grow for you without much effort on your part. Aside from helping you meet your goals, investing also allows you to beat the costs of inflation and taxes. Indeed, investing is the best way to save money long term.

You don't have to be a financial guru to learn how to invest your money successfully. All it takes is knowing and understanding your options and getting expert advice from a good financial planner. Three of the most common investment options these days are bonds, stocks, and mutual funds. You can start with one, and then diversify your investment basket once you get the hang of it.

1. Bonds

Investing in bonds involves putting your money in government bonds or corporation bonds and getting a fixed interest over time. The term duration of bonds varies depending on the issuer; it can be as short as one year or can extend up to 30 years. Ideally, you put your money in a longer bond term so that you will earn higher interest. Here's an important tip: don't sell your bond until its maturity date to prevent losing your money.

2. Stocks

Stocks are high-risk investments because they tend to fluctuate within a short period. Plus, there's the chance of the company where you've invested in to go bankrupt. However, investing in the stock market using the right strategies is an ideal long-term option for it assures a higher rate of return compared to other investment methods. Stock investing involves buying a share of ownership of a corporation. When the company whose stocks you invested in performs well financially, then you get your share of profits.

3. Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are generally low-risk investments, as they earn interest from a variety of sources like bonds, stocks, and other securities. Nowadays, more and more people realize the benefit of investing in mutual funds because it gives them the peace of mind knowing that their hard-earned money will yield favorable returns over time.

The best way to save money long term is to invest your funds, diversify your investments, and use the right strategies to ensure high returns. Be a wise investor now, and in time, you will enjoy the fruits of your labor.

You can use all these strategies to save money, reduce debt and improve your life but it will not last unless you have a system automatically set up to continually work without your input. Get Dan Cavalli’s FREE money saving secrets set on auto pilot at:


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Free Car Insurance Quotes

If you drive a car in the United States, it is a good chance you are well aware that you are required to have car insurance. If you get pulled over and fail to provide proof of coverage, your driving privileges will be faced with a suspension. You may also be required to pay a steep fine. No one wants this to happen to them! The following paragraphs will discuss three ways to get free car insurance quotes .

The first way you can get car insurance quote is to make some phone calls. Call around to your local car insurance companies and ask them for free quotes. Most companies will jump at the chance to provide this service to any potential customer. In most cases, you will be required to answer some questions to help determine a specific price. The questions also help to determine which type of policy might work best for you.

The one disadvantage of getting your free car insurance quote via the telephone is obtaining your proof of insurance information card. You will not be able to physically prove you have insurance coverage until you receive it by postal mail. If you need your proof of insurance immediately, this option may not work well for you.

Another way you can get car insurance quote easily is to visit different companies in your area. After filling out an application, a representative can give you a quote in as little as minutes. The information on the application is used by the insurance company to determine what sort of policy best fits your needs, as well as the cost of the policy. When you take this path to find and purchase this necessary insurance, you can obtain your insurance card that very day.

Some people chose to mix the above methods of getting free car insurance quotes. They will use the phone to get the initial quotes, then go into the office to purchase the policy. This way they can get the proof of insurance they may need instantly.

Lastly, most households in the United States include a computer. You can get free car insurance quotes from many insurance companies by utilizing the computer. Company websites often provide a short application in order to receive your free quote. It is also possible to purchase your policy via company websites, thus, allowing you to receive physical proof almost immediately. You can opt print your insurance card from your very own printer.

It is not hard to get free car insurance quote. Listed above are just three ways to do so.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tips for health insurance open enrollment

Reviewing past visits to the doctor can shed light on how much health care you may need next year.
Open enrollment season for group health insurance is upon us. Workers should review benefits now to make the best decisions about adjusting coverage levels for 2011, says Karen Frost, health and welfare solutions leader for Aon Hewitt's health outsourcing business in Lincolnshire, Ill.
"By not taking action, people are missing out on the chance to review their choices and pick the plan that's best for them," she says.
The need to examine benefits is especially important this year in the wake of health care reform legislation and changes in employee health plans. Here are some tips for making the most of open enrollment.

Review current health insurance coverage

Frost encourages workers to review health plans online, ask questions and make necessary changes before the enrollment period ends.
Many employers tell workers they don't have to do anything during open enrollment unless they want to make changes, Frost says.
"But don't take it to mean you shouldn't even look at your plan," she says. "Review what you spent money on last year and decide whether or not you should change plans for next year."
Add up what you're currently paying in premiums for medical insurance, Frost says. Next, review the times you needed medical care within the past year and add up your co-pays and other out-of-pocket costs.
"For most people, the last year is a pretty good indication of what you'd have in medical expenses for the next year," Frost says.
If you're expecting new medical bills – for instance, you plan to start a family – estimate future expenses at current plan rates.

Compare health insurance plans

Once you know how much you'll likely spend in the future, Frost suggests looking at the employer's plan options. Decide which plan is most cost-efficient for you.
If you only needed an annual physical last year and don't anticipate major doctor visits this year, consider an inexpensive plan, Frost says.
By contrast, employees who use a lot of medical services may be better off choosing a health insurance option with a higher premium, but lower out-of-pocket costs at the time of service, she says.

Learn health care reform changes

Recent health care reforms may impact your total health insurance costs. For example, one of the biggest changes is that parents now have the ability to insure adult children up until age 26, Frost says.
In addition, the new laws affect which expenses are eligible for flexible spending account (FSA) reimbursement in 2011. For example, over-the-counter drugs are no longer eligible for FSA reimbursement.
Health care reform also requires most health plans to cover preventive care 100 percent. Without an accompanying co-pay, you'll probably have fewer out-of-pocket costs related to these services, and that could change your FSA calculations, she says.
Contact your employer's benefits coordinator to learn more about how recent changes in legislation may affect you.
